our approach Since 2016, we have been constantly striving to improve the quality of our courses. Our teachers are trained in classic …
Russian Language Trial Lessons
at the "Center for Language and Brain"
3, Krivokolenny Lane, Moscow
Wednesday, November 29, 19:00 - 21:00
Friday, December 1, 19:00 - 21:00
Are you learning Russian or have you gotten to know it by communicating with native speakers?
Then come and get acquainted with the neurolinguistic approach to take your first steps or improve your speaking and writing skills. Whether you are a beginner or already know how to express yourself, our courses will help you develop fluency and accuracy in your communication.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to make the most of your stay in Russia and master the language !
Learn more about the neurolinguistic approach.


Please note that the number of participants is limited.